Milwaukee County Genealogical Society
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"Czech Genealogy for Beginners" Blog for those who are interested in Czech genealogy, who have ancestors in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.
Click on "Czech Birth Matrika Templates " for google doc document of translated headers of archive records. by Blanka Lednicka - CZECH (Right click - and select Translate into English)
Soupis Poddanych Podle Viry z Roku 1651 - online pdf books from the National Archives in Czech Republic; click on detail, then click on E-kniha ke stazeni zde - to download pdf. Available for Bohemia only. For further information: and
Two research rooms: I. Central research room: modern collections and II. The research room of the 1st department in Prague 6 — Dejvice: land records, cadastral map records (land register documents for Bohemia).
Archive links are not up to date on the page, but the map is very accurate to locate the correct archive. Plzen archive link not updated to ; SOA v Praze archive link not updated to
Including links to city archives of: Prague City, Ostrava City, Brno City and Plzen City.
Parish registers area: Jihomoravský (South Moravian) Region, Zlínský (Zlin) Region and Vysocina Region - excluding the former districts Pelhrimov and Havlíckuv Brod -- (not online - cadastral map records (land register documents for Moravia and Silesia))
Parish registers area: City of Prague
Parish registers area: Ústecký (Usti nad Labem) Region and Liberecký (Liberec) Region
Parish registers area: Moravskoslezský (Moravian-Silesian) Region and Olomoucký (Olomouc) Region - NOTE: digital archive updated on 31 August 2017 from
Parish registers area: Plzenský (Pilsen) Region and Karlovarský (Karlovy Vary) Region
Parish registers area: Stredoceský (Central) Region
Map of Churches that have been digitalized (as of 19 July 2019): click on Mapa stredoceskych farnosti.pdf
Parish registers area: Jihoceský (South) Region - including the former district Pelhrimov
Parish registers area: Královéhradecký (Hradec Kralove) Region and Pardubický (Pardubice) Region - complete with the former district Havlíckuv Brod. Zamrsk recently updated their website, and now has direct access to read the digital records online. (Note, many of these digitalized records are also available at
by Gabi Vcislo This is an updated guide how to generate links for your found genealogy records:
Finding Czech Parish Records Online: Moravia-Silesia Region by Katherine Vasicek Challis, created July 2013: How to navigate the Land/Regional Archives of Opava website ( to find a parish record
by Michaela Gehenna Hornáková, created July 2018. Guide to using Zmarsk regional archive and list of what is available at the district archives. Note, many of these instructions are now obsolete.
pdf charts with English translations of the census forms for 1857, 1869, 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910, and 1921
An interactive map from with links to parish records from only Southern Moravia in Brno archives. NOTE: AS of SEPTEMBER 2024, this link is not working. If you know of the current link, please email with the updated link - Thank you.
An interactive map with links to parish records from only Plzen area in Plzen archives. NOTE: AS of SEPTEMBER 2024, this link is not working. If you know of the current link, please email with the updated link - Thank you.
If this link is not opening the parish map, select Folder Tree, then Maps and technical drawings, SRA Trebon, Varia, and Map of the parish districts of the evangelical churches in Czech lands (1937)
Images of Jewish Birth, Marriages and Death for the entire Czech Republic. Formerly kept online at are now available at Please see this pdf link, for how to use the vademecum archive:
20 page document: Sources For Genealogical Research At The Austrian War Archives In Vienna (Kriegsarchiv Wien) by Christoph Tepperberg (Director of the Kriegsarchiv) formally at or
Excellent source to help understand and research military records. In addition to providing a history of your ancestor's military career, these records can sometimes answer basic genealogical questions, such as where and when a person was born. Information provided on how to research the Grundbuchblätter Diverse. Detailed information about conscription.
Records are in two alphabetical sequences. Military personnel sheets for soldiers of the Austrian army born in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia (now Czech Republic). Includes soldiers born approximately 1820-1864, some earlier. Each is arranged alphabetically by surname and given name. Data shown includes year of birth, place of birth, a personal description, and record of service. Family relationships or names are sometimes shown in these records.
Czech American TV website. Genealogy Map - Search for surnames, and the results will be displayed on a map of the Czech Republic, showing the distribution of where these surnames are found on the map.
Kde Jsme Click on "Seznamy" in right top corner and then choose the letter in the left column for given names (Jména) or Surnames (Príjmení) and it will list all the names which are in use now in Czech Republic.
Online Database (CGSI Member Only) Leo Baca’s Czech Immigration Passenger Lists; many digitalized books and family histories online
Parish Finder
Church Books updated in September 2024 and School collections updated in May 2017, Census Records updated in June 2024: Church Books, 1552-1981; Censuses and Inhabitant Registers, 1800-1990; School Registers, 1799-1953; Land Records, 1450-1889
Foundation for East European Family History Studies
Parish Finder Free site, requiring registration to use. Has excellent gazetteer for helping identify German/Czech name of village and its associated parish (for church record books). Especially useful to determine what parishes a village belonged to over the years.
By Robert J. Paulson - German Bohemian Heritage Society Founder. Many resources including books, articles, videos.
jpg map of Czech Republic - Kraj (Regions) and Okres (Districts)
Just zoom in and click on the village in the map - and there will be a window with all historical maps for that village. Stable Cadastral Maps: [ "otisky" - are the BASE MAPS with building number (black) ] and [ "skica" - are the STABLE CADASTRAL MAPS with house owners name and house numbers (red) (example N.4). ] old link - --- for current cadastral map
Note: selecting the "magnifying glass" is a direct link to the "skica" cadastral map AND selecting the "UZK bar" will show maps what THIS WEBSITE has available for the village. (Using the historical map link listed above this one, may show more maps available for a village, than shown through using this link. So, check both historical map links to see what is available for your village!) - current CADASTRAL map
Then select:
-Katastraini mapy
--Katastr nemovitosti
-Ortofotomapy CUZK (aktualni)
Helmuth Schneider's Power Point presentation from June 27, 2015 at Caldwell, TX "The Stable Cadastral Map System of the Czech Republic" at Texas Czech Genealogical Society website.
Muller's Survey map (Bohemia 1720 and Moravia 1716): 1st Military Survey map (Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia 1764 -1768 and 1780 - 1783); 2nd Military Survey map (Bohemia, Moravia 1836 - 1852); 3rd Military Survey map; (adding) Stabile cadaster
Type name of village, press search button - Will be displayed: village name, district name, region name; and location on map will be shown. Then continue to zoom in to see the houses with house numbers. Select Change map, be sure to check out From 19th century (2nd Military Survey 1836-1852) and With photos.
Gymnastics program, Czech/Slovak Culture, History, Genealogy and Traditions.
Common Czech and German words found on tombstones inscriptions and translations