Milwaukee County Genealogical Society

Mission Statement

The objectives of the Milwaukee County Genealogical Society, Inc. are to collect, exchange and preserve genealogical materials; to inform the general public about genealogy; and to purchase books of genealogical value to be donated to public libraries in the Milwaukee area. Any person who is interested in genealogy may become a member upon payment of dues for the current year. Membership and its benefits shall not be denied because of race, religion, creed, sex or national origin. 

Operating Year: August 2024 - July 2025

Board Members:
Officers, Chairman of Standing Committees (voting)
Other Contact Persons (non-voting)

Contacting MCGS

Mailing Address
Milwaukee County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 1606
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1606
*Officers (9 Elected - Voting)
President: Carol Genung
Acting 1st VP/Program Chair: Terri Cieslak
2nd VP/Budget,HospitalityChair: Vacant
Past President/NominationChair: Rogene Kais
Recording Secretary: Terri Cieslak
Treasurer: Dee Howard
Librarian: Vacant
Corresponding Secretary: Pamela Rasche
Historian: Pamela Rasche
**Chairman (10 Voting)
Co-Editor: Karen Jegen
Co-Editor: Marcia Zalenski
Supplies: Vacant
Membership: Dee Howard
Membership: Karen Jegen
Publicity: Vacant
Publicity - Facebook: Vacant
Research: Vacant
Area Research Groups: Susan M Chapman
Budget (2nd VP): Vacant
Web Site: Susan M Chapman
Class Coordinator: Vacant
Trips: Dan Berg
Other Contact Persons-NonVote
Class Registration: Vacant
E-mail Coordinator: Karen Jegen
Exchanges: Dee Howard
Festival Coordinator: Vacant
Proofreader: Rogene Kais
Proofreader: Jude Houston
Technical Coordinator: Vacant
Workshop Coordinator: Dee Howard
*Program Committee
Program Chair (1st VP): Terri Cieslak
*Hospitality Committee
Hospitality Chair (2nd VP): Vacant
*Nominations Committee
Nominations Chair (Past Pres): Rogene Kais
Committee Member: Vacant
Committee Member: Vacant
Committee Member: Vacant
Audit Committee
Committee Chair (voting board): Vacant
Committee Member(voting board): Vacant
Committee Member (non-voting): Vacant
Committee Member (non-voting): Vacant
By Laws Committee
Committee Chair: Vacant
Committee Member: Vacant
Committee Member: Vacant
Committee Member: Vacant
**Editor Committee
Editor Chair: Karen Jegen
Publisher: Marcia Zalenski
**Supplies Committee
Committee Chair: Vacant
**Membership Committee
Committee Chair: Dee Howard
Committee Member: Karen Jegen
Committee Member - Reminders: Nicole Warner
**Publicity Committee
Committee Chair: Vacant
Committee Member - Facebook: Vacant
**Research Committee
Committee Chair: Vacant
**AreaResearchGroups Committee
Committee Chair: Susan M Chapman
African-American: Patricia M Glover-Howard
Czech / Slovak: Susan M Chapman
Mexican: Margaret Skare
Polish: Susan G Mikos
*Budget Committee
Budget Chair (2nd VP): Vacant
**Web Site Committee
Committee Chair: Susan M Chapman
Committee Member: Dee Howard
Committee Member: Karen Jegen
Committee Member: Marcia Zalenski
Committee Member: Nicole Warner
**Class Coordinator Committee
Instructor: Karen Jegen
Instructor: Margaret Skare
Instructor: Diane M Piedt
Instructor: Carol Genung
Instructor: Terri Cieslak
Instructor: Mrs. Cathy E Bell
**Trips Committee
Committee Chair: Dan Berg
Workshop Committee
Committee Chair: Dee Howard
Committee Member: Vacant
Committee Member: Vacant
Festival Committee
Festival Chair: Vacant
Festival Mexican Fiesta: Margaret Skare
use our convenient:


Meeting & Class Location
MCGS Membership Meetings and Classes are held online and in 1st Floor Rotary Club of Milwaukee Community Meeting Room near the main entrance of the Milwaukee Central Public Library, 814 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee. See Events for dates. This room is located right next to the elevator. For handicap access, enter the lower level of the building via 8th Street, take the elevator to the first floor, and proceed east to the meeting room. First time visitors are welcome to the meetings. Membership information is available at all the meetings. 
MCGS Board Meetings are currently held online and in the 1st Floor Rotary Club of Milwaukee Community Meeting Room of the Milwaukee Central Public Library. See Events for scheduled dates.
**Note: Check the MCGS website for cancellation of classes, meetings, and programs due to inclement weather.

Parking - Traffic - Construction
Map your route and know your options to make your meeting or research visit a pleasure! Meetings are held at the Milwaukee Central Public Library Downtown, with convenvient on and off street parking. Metered street parking is available around the library building. Parking is free at metered spaces on Sundays city-wide. Parking is free on Saturdays in specific areas downtown, but may have time limits - always read the posted parking sign to ensure you are in compliance. Smart meters are currently being installed in locations with multi-space Luke meters.  These meters service up to 2 parking spaces and utilize coin or credit card payments at the meter, in addition to payments made with the MKE Park App. There is also a parking lot on Wisconsin Avenue across the street from the library. Advance pre-paid reservations for this lot, 659 N 8th St. (801 W Wisconsin Ave) - Library Lot, can be made at: Links to up-to-date information and printable maps on city of Milwaukee parking services, downtown parking and current traffic conditions

Presenters for Friday MCGS Meetings Wanted
Interested in presenting a genealogy-related topic at a Friday MCGS Meeting? Contact MCGS
We are always looking for suggestions from Members of what topics they are interested in and suggestions for interesting speakers. This information is saved and passed along to the next Program Coordinator, so even if scheduling can't be accomplished immediately, it is valued input! We are eager to provide speakers that are of interest to all of our diverse Members. If you have heard a good speaker, fun ideas for programs or have some educational topics you would like to hear about, just let us know.