Milwaukee County Genealogical Society
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MCGS Membership -
Friday, February 28
MCGS Membership -  (MCGS Membership Meetings)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Central Library 1st Floor Rotary Club of Milwaukee Community Meeting Room

Milwaukee Central Public Library Downtown, 814 West Wisconsin Avenue
- MCGS membership meetings are in person at the Central Library. The meetings will start with a short business meeting, followed by our speaker presentation about 1:20pm. Look forward to seeing MCGS members and guests at the library! This presentation will be in person.
"My African American Family Research"

By Cathy Bell
Cathy started doing her family genealogy in the 1980s.  She will tell the story of how she researched her African-American roots back to the slave schedules and was able to identify the slaveholder in Tennessee.  Find out which resources helped trace her family history. 
Cathy has completed the Genealogical Principles course through Boston University's Genealogy Studies Program. She is a retired Program Coordinator/Instructor in Health Information Technology and Medical Coding at Milwaukee Area Technical College.
Join us: IN PERSON for meeting.
This meeting will be recorded and for 30 days after the presentation, a video link will be available to MCGS members in the members only section on the website.

Class - Don't Miss These - More Places to Find Records
Saturday, March 1
Class - Don't Miss These - More Places to Find Records  (MCGS Genealogy Classes)
9:30 am to 11:30 am
Milwaukee Public Library Central, 814 W Wisconsin Ave
IN PERSON at Central Library 1st Floor Rotary Club of Milwaukee Community Meeting Room
Don't Miss These - More Places to Find Records

by Margaret Sandoval Skare

Learn about the many ways that libraries can be useful to the family historian.

Join us: IN PERSON for free beginner genealogy classes.
More Information at MCGS Genealogy Classes webpage. 

Ask a Genealogist!
Saturday, March 8
Ask a Genealogist!  (MCGS/MPL Ask A Genealogist!)
10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Zablocki Public Library, 3501 W Oklahoma Ave, Milwaukee, WI
Ask a Genealogist!
Presented by the Milwaukee County Genealogical Society and Milwaukee Public Library
Have you wanted to learn more about your family history, but don't know where to begin?
Have you started researching your family, but need ideas of new places to look for information?
Work one-on-one with an experienced genealogist from the Milwaukee County Genealogical Society who will be available to answer your research questions and demonstrate search strategies to help find pieces of your family history puzzle.

Czech-Slovak Area Research Group
Wednesday, March 12
Czech-Slovak Area Research Group  (Area Research Groups)
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Online Zoom Meeting
Please send an email to to be added to the zoom meeting invite list. 

MCGS Membership -
Friday, March 28
MCGS Membership -  (MCGS Membership Meetings)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Central Library 1st Floor Rotary Club of Milwaukee Community Meeting Room

Milwaukee Central Public Library Downtown, 814 West Wisconsin Avenue
- MCGS membership meetings are in person at the Central Library. The meetings will start with a short business meeting, followed by our speaker presentation about 1:20pm. Look forward to seeing MCGS members and guests at the library! This presentation will be in person.
"More than Family Trees: Understanding Chinese Genealogies and Their History."

By Xin Yu
Chinese genealogies are far more than simple family trees—they are elaborate books, often produced as printed volumes. As the most popular books in premodern China, genealogies can still be found in almost every village in southern China today. They gained popularity in Chinese villages between 1450 and 1950, evolving continuously in format, style, and content. This talk will introduce the structure, contents, and format of Chinese genealogies, as well as their changes over time.
Xin Yu is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the History Department at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His research interests include the histories of Chinese families, books, and the environment. At UWM, he teaches courses on Chinese history, Asian history, and history of the family. His website is
Join us: IN PERSON for meeting.
This meeting will be recorded and for 30 days after the presentation, a video link will be available to MCGS members in the members only section on the website.

Class - Historical Newspapers and Social Media for Genealogy
Saturday, March 29
Class - Historical Newspapers and Social Media for Genealogy  (MCGS Genealogy Classes)
9:30 am to 11:30 am
Milwaukee Public Library Central, 814 W Wisconsin Ave
IN PERSON at Central Library 1st Floor Rotary Club of Milwaukee Community Meeting Room
Historical Newspapers and Social Media for Genealogy

by Carol Genung

Explore the past through the wonderful material found in historic newspapers, and learn about social media apps to ask questions and make connections.
Join us: IN PERSON for free beginner genealogy classes.
More Information at MCGS Genealogy Classes webpage. 

Ask a Genealogist!
Saturday, April 12
Ask a Genealogist!  (MCGS/MPL Ask A Genealogist!)
10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Wauwatosa Public Library, 7635 W North Ave, Wauwatosa, WI
Ask a Genealogist!
Presented by the Milwaukee County Genealogical Society
Have you wanted to learn more about your family history, but don't know where to begin?
Have you started researching your family, but need ideas of new places to look for information?
Work one-on-one with an experienced genealogist from the Milwaukee County Genealogical Society who will be available to answer your research questions and demonstrate search strategies to help find pieces of your family history puzzle.

MCGS Membership -
Friday, April 25
MCGS Membership -  (MCGS Membership Meetings)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Group Tour of the Milwaukee County Historical Society

Milwaukee County Historical Society, 910 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive (formerly North Old World Third Street), Milwaukee, WI 53203 (414-273-8288)
Digging Through the Years: Research Library & Archives Tour
By Steve Schaffer, Archivist at Milwaukee Co. Historical Society
As the official repository for Milwaukee County, the Milwaukee County Historical Society (MCHS) research library contains more than 12,000 cubic feet of records from various county agencies such as naturalization records, civil court records, coroner’s inquests, marriage applications, jail registers and probate records. In addition, the library contains more than 3,000 separate manuscript collections from various businesses, organizations, and families/individuals – some of whom are among Milwaukee’s earliest settlers. The photograph collection is also housed in the research library and includes more than one million photographs.
Whether you are researching your family history or have an interest in a particular part of local history, our collections may have the information you are looking for. This 1-hour tour explores the artifacts preserved in the Milwaukee County Historical Society archives, but also explains how archival research uncovers stories of the past. 
NOTE:  MCGS is excited to offer this tour. The cost per person is: $13 per Adult, $11 per Senior (62 or older), $11 per full-time student.  Cost must be paid upon arrival on day of tour with cash or credit card, NO CHECKS will be accepted.
Parking:  MCHS is partnering with Power Parking to provide discounted visitor parking. For $10 you may park in the 847 N. Plankinton Ave. Lot (at the corner of Plankinton Ave. and Kilbourn Ave.) for up to 5 hours. 20% of the revenue will be donated directly back to MCHS. DO NOT scan and pay at the lot.  Pay at the front desk in the Historical Center.  Metered street parking is also available on Dr. MLK Jr. Drive. The discount does not cover the metered street parking cost. 
Accessibility:  Elevators are available to access the second floor. Handicapped accessible doors are located on the east side of the building. Additionally, a vehicle drop-off /loading zone is accessible on W. Kilbourn Avenue. 
Research:  If you want to do research on the day of the tour, you must have an appointment.  See this page for more information:

Class - Starting Foreign Research
Saturday, April 26
Class - Starting Foreign Research  (MCGS Genealogy Classes)
9:30 am to 11:30 am
Milwaukee Public Library Central, 814 W Wisconsin Ave
IN PERSON at Central Library 1st Floor Rotary Club of Milwaukee Community Meeting Room
Starting Foreign Research

by Karen Jegen

Learn how to find your Immigrant Ancestor's hometown and start researching records from the foreign homeland.
Join us: IN PERSON for free beginner genealogy classes.
More Information at MCGS Genealogy Classes webpage. 

Ask a Genealogist!
Saturday, May 10
Ask a Genealogist!  (MCGS/MPL Ask A Genealogist!)
10:30 am to 3:30 pm
West Allis Public Library, 7421 W National Ave, West Allis, WI
Ask a Genealogist!
Presented by the Milwaukee County Genealogical Society
Have you wanted to learn more about your family history, but don't know where to begin?
Have you started researching your family, but need ideas of new places to look for information?
Work one-on-one with an experienced genealogist from the Milwaukee County Genealogical Society who will be available to answer your research questions and demonstrate search strategies to help find pieces of your family history puzzle.